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Faculty Focus: January 2025

Former New York City police officer and Fenwick theology teacher Mr. Patrick Maguire views working in education as a vocation.
What is your educational background? 

I did my undergraduate studies at Iona College (now Iona University) in New Rochelle, New York. I completed my Master's Degree in Theology at St. Joseph's College and Seminary, the major seminary in the Archdiocese of New York. I am currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree from Holy Apostles College and Seminary located in Connecticut.

What did you do prior to working at Fenwick?

I taught Theology at St. Anthony’s High School in New York from 2010-2024. Before that, I was a New York City Police Officer, Sergeant and Lieutenant assigned to the following commands: 106 precinct, Transit District 33, Firearms and Tactics Section, and the 113 precinct.

What are you currently reading for enjoyment? 

“The History of the Catholic Church: From the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium” by James Hitchcock.

What interests do you pursue outside of school?

I enjoy studying theology and light weightlifting.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?  

I played football for all four years of high school and participated in the school's 1,000 Pound Club (bench, squat, deadlift total of 1,000 pounds).

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick? 

I enjoy supervising the library after school.

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student? 

Fenwick students are polite and respectful. They appreciate our dedicated faculty and thank their teachers after class!

When did you decide to work in education, and why did you choose this field? 

I was encouraged to work in education by a Franciscan Brother who believed in me more than I believed in myself. I view education as a vocation, not a job where someone chooses to work. Like most faculty members here at Fenwick, I am simply an ordinary person called to do something extraordinary for God to build up the Body of Christ and serve others.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your work? 

I have always been able to get along well with diverse groups of people. This comes from my experience working as a police officer in the most diverse county in the United States, which is Queens County in New York City.

What is the greatest success you have had in your role?  

Attending the baptism of several international students from China.

What challenges do students face today?  

Students are challenged by the secular culture and Catholic teaching, which are often in direct conflict. Students often falsely think that there is no room for them in the Catholic Church or that God couldn’t possibly love them because of a sin that they are struggling with.

It is my privilege to help students live, learn, and grow. I encourage them to stay close to the Catholic Church where they will find truth, goodness, redemption, and fullness of life. I am grateful to God for populating my life with so many wonderful students.
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